Thursday, August 29, 2013

Digital Art Course in Taos, NM

This summer, I had the opportunity to take a digital art course instructed by Angie Piehl in Taos, NM. The course consisted of a 2-week trip to New Mexico where we got to see several art museums, including the Georgia O'Keeffe museum and the Fechin House. We went to the Taos Pueblo (an amazing cultural experience I highly recommend to anyone), and we went to some beautiful places including Ghost Ranch, La Junta Point, and "the white place" where Georgia O'Keeffe actually painted and collected rocks from the river bed.

I would sum up the trip as an amazing intimate experience with nature as we bathed in hot springs, hiked up and down steep gorges, and chased down a double rainbow (it was so bright and vivid!!).

Below are some pictures of our incredible experiences. It truly was an unforgettable trip.

sketching at the Rio Grande Gorge

La Junta Point

Rio Grande Gorge

Earthships ( I love these homes and want one sooo bad!!)


Inside Earthship-there is an indoor greenhouse in this home!


Fechin House

Fechin House

Fechin House

Fechin House-Mr. Fechin carved from wood all of the furniture!

Fechin House-Mr. Fechin also carved all of the stair railings and doors.

Fechin House

Double Rainbow!!!!!

In the background at the top of this mountain is where Georgia O'Keeffe's ashes were scattered.

Taos Pueblo

Taos Pueblo

Hike at La Junta Point

Lizard during hike at La Junta Point

San Francisco de Assis

The White Place
The White Place
The White Place

Artist Sonya Terpening doing a painting demo
We were required to use journals during our trip to record our ideas, findings, etc. Near the end of our trip we had a presentation at the Fechin gallery showing our current work and future plans. Since most of my pieces were going to be sculptures, I had plenty of materials I had gathered to show, along with a video of some of the footage I had taken during the trip that I was planning on editing to create a short movie.

 Since the trip, I have created some pieces that
I will show shortly in the next blog!